Saturday, June 25, 2011

State of Society

State of Society

The establishment versus artistry, its the clash of the titans. The powers at be fear what they cannot see that's why an artist's mind is frightenin'. Research is the calm before the storm, can't hear the thunder but knowledge is the lightnin'. The answers to our problems are on the wall but we have to decide to read the writin. A society that succeed by taking shortcuts so people resort to bitin. Artists want freedom therefore don't block their originality or they revert to fightin'. Society is scared to write because they fear their thoughts aren't powerful enough to illuminate the lightin'. There is a lot of instilled fear that is intended to control our thinkin'. The fear that is instilled blames art for society's problems and they say people's creativity is responsible for the financial sinkin. Quicksand the negativity because success is based on your connectivity, yep social networking is all about linkin. Too many dummies at the top that's why they don't want the civilians thinkin'. A bunch of brain dead perpetrating scholars has society's mental decomposing, embalmingly stinkin. Greatness rises to the top and the meek's curious starts shrinkin'.

If you're reading this then we're conversing and Naw I’m not ventin. Why is equality for everybody forbidden? Decipher or decode, can you understand the written? Illiteracy, is it scripture or transcriptions? You must prepare in the present to succeed in the future, that's my depiction. Carbon copy success that's my prediction. Originality is the antidote, here I'll write the prescription. No synergy, a bunch of chemistry with a lot volatile chemical, so we can't cause friction. There is friction with deferring opinions, you might not agree but my life combat style is play, yep straight recreation. I’m serious about my ambitions so bring on the competition. Reality is a movie and if even the script is fiction, it can still depicts life's nonfiction. Charged with being an artist, yep this is just a piece to add to my conviction. People need to realize life is dull and boring without art or creativity, so stop trying to censor it and appreciate the artistry exhibition. Life changes everyday, therefore don't harp on the negative that leads to regression. What's up with all this passive aggression, that unassertive defiance doesn't accomplish anything but stopping your progression. Media barrage of people's social exploitations so they can capitalize off other people transgressions. Its the American way no honor amongst thieves, you'll stab me in the back to elevate your progression. The establishment is hair-lining the game because their business decisions have the talent receding. Yep a few sub par quarters and now its a talent recession. Its socially obnoxious and a mental conundrum that creative originality is in a deep depression. The youth is passionate about social networking but about their dreams or aspirations its a bunch of passive aggression.

Gotta get it, the state of society is inside me. The pen looks to my mind to confide in me. Inside my mind so I know what's drivin me but for it to be a cohesive unit, I need know what's drivin them. My ambition is chauffeurin me so my success is never dim. We have to elevate our thoughts to keep our minds above the rim. The media is used to educate our youth. Education is water down so it pushes the agenda of the establishment's truth. Eliminating the budget of education to decapitate art by the roof. Uncover the lies and the posturing, them putting regulations on creativity is the proof. Americans are lacking originality because people believe standing out makes you like a goof. Falsehoods and political bickering has the county fragmented, yep a bunch of shattered glass. Instill fear through the media, their scare tactics are a lot of hot air just stomach gas. No green for art programs so we can't water our creativity, a lot of dead grass. Read, research, decipher and understand, obtaining skills puts you ahead of the class.

E F.I.T.T.E.D. Lets Fitted Book It!!!!!!!!!!!