Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What’s Money

What’s Money
If money's money is funny then is money really money? Everyone knows funny money isn't really money yo. If you have funny money, then your money equals no dough. Money is with no yeast so money's money won't rise. When money's money falls', then how can money ball without money. Dollars and coins but money will not change yet money can't give change for a 20 with his 4 fives. If money is about his money, then why is money turning down opportunities to increase his money. Money doesn't value money so money will never understand the work it takes to get money. Money doesn't know that money doesn't grow on trees but money knows money burns when money is smoking on trees. Money has money yet the money hasn't bought money a princess, its bought money some nice cars, nice jewelry and money is still without that princess. No princess, where’s money without his money? The power of a dollar will make money change because money is tired of seeing coins. Money wants more money but money’s knowledge is low and money knows nobody. If money is evil, then is money the root of all money's evil? Money is lethal but money sure isn't evil just ask money about the sequel. Money is mad that money produces inequalities since money has no equal.

Where's money at? Where's the money at? Is money on the block or is money at school? Is money really good or is money really bad? Why is money with no money rockin all those jewels? Why does money have no money and money is making all the moves? Is news about the money or is money about the news? Is money an asset or a commodity? Who frontin money's money? Why money always want a hook up? Why do some people think money has no effect on your education? How long are corporation going to be able to funnel their money into shell corporations? Where money hiding the money at? Why is money talking about money with nothing to show for?

Money is tangible yet so abstract. People can but money can't adapt. Money is running a rat race yet money course is off track. Money is tight because money's money problems won’t give him any slack. Money is slacking on opportunities, that's why money can’t get his money back. Backpackin backward money doesn't provide the strength in these words. Money’s money is weak yet money’s words are strong since money’s confidence is made of gold. Money's confidence is still golden even though its been through fires. The desire of money can and does inspire. Money aspires to make more money because money doesn't want to lust for money again. A solid grin for the money but money has a problem of blowing his money. Money will never make enough money if money is always living beyond his means. Money is always mean since money’s money is always gone because money is acting like his money is long. It's cool to be about your money but don’t let the money become you, then you and your money become see through, no substance. Just paper with green dye that's how money dies, money is not fire proof.